Monday, March 24, 2008

Old letters from my highschool to my father

Just went through some old papers and found these letters. They're in Dutch and I suck at translation. Hope you'll enjoy them as much as I did.

Culemborg, 19 october 1984
Dear mr. Bulb sr.,
The school's skiing camp comittee, has recently had a meeting in which it has been decided to ask you urgently to retract your sons application for the skiing camp.
After a long and hard deliberation we have come to this painful conclusion.
The first and foremost goal of all our schoolcamps is:
Doing it together.
To be able to positively and actively make an effort to increase the atmosphere of the group. We are of the opinion , due to our experiences with previous camps that your son has taken part in, that your son does not have this attitude.
If so desired we will be happy to explain our descision to you verbally.
Some asshole that wasn't passionate about teaching.
Here's another one. (I have no idea what this one is about.):
Culemborg, 31 may 1985
Dear mr. Bulb sr.,
When a student is not admitted in class anymore with teacher A. , due to disruptive behavior, it doesn't seem to be a reason to disbar him from any other class. In your letter you seem to do so where it concerns the 5th grade school excursion.
Because Bulb has been barred from participating in our skiing camp, sailing camp and the classes of mr. A., it follows that he is disbarred from participating in the 5th grade school excursion. (You even use the words "unwelcome" in your letter.)
Of course Bulb is a full and worthy student just like all our students and he is welcome to join any other extra-curricular activities. I do hope that the punishment we have meeted out in the past will not affect him in the future and we hope you will reconsider your opnion of our school.
Some other asshole that didn't get laid enough.
Was I really that bad??? I can hardly imagine. I'm a sweet guy.

Friday, March 14, 2008

I didn't write this. (But I should have.)

What you are seeking so relentlessly is nothing that comes from
outside of you, it's something you already have.

There is only you. You have only you to rely on. You have only
you that you can count on. And what better to work on than yourself?
But you have to believe that you deserve it.

People don’t necessarily get what they want. People don’t
necessarily get what they need. Instead, people get what they
honestly and truly believe that they deserve. In other words, people
get what they expect to get.

The key to having what you want is not getting what you want, but
being the person for whom getting what you want is a mere byproduct
of the reality you create simply by the way you live life.
It builds a foundation of belief that is very real and a relationship
with reality that is very empowering.

Get Real. Get in touch with reality. Respect reality.

Get self validated. Believe in yourself, based entirely on what you
think of yourself, not on what others think of you.

Self esteem is what you think of yourself. Ego is what you think
other people think of you. To base your self image on what others
think of you is to lack self esteem.

Be A Man. Stand up tall. Tell the truth. Live a life of integrity.
Assume responsibility for your own thoughts and actions.

And always, respect. Command respect. Demand respect. Treat
others with respect. Associate only with those who treat you with
respect. Be assertive when need be. It all begins with self respect.
Self respect above everything else.

What does it mean to command respect? It means that other people
do not dare violate you. Other people hold you in esteem. Other
people take what you say seriously. But nobody is going to have
respect for you unless you respect yourself.

What does it mean to have self respect? It means that you do not
do anything that would violate your own morals and beliefs, meaning
you never compromise yourself. It means that you never lie to
yourself, you are never in self denial, you are always brutally honest
with yourself. It means you have respect for others; only a person
who holds themselves in esteem is capable of holding another in

When all of the above is true for you, you have everything it takes,
and all that it takes, to obtain and enjoy the aspects of life that are so
important to you.

No idea who wrote this.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Why I'm not blogging

I've been blogging a lot lately. Just haven't published any of it. It's not that it's not good stuff. It's great stuff. But it's the kind of stuff that makes you look really serious, put a finger to your cheeck and say: "Mmmmm, he really has a point there.", or worse: "mmmmm, I know there's a lesson in here somewhere. If only I could figure out what the fuck he is going on about."

The problem is, I set out to write a nice post about not having chewed pussy this week and I end up with something called: "Context and it's impact on behavior."
Think that one is bad? Try this one:

"How to love and get away with it."

"Passion, the definition of joy"

(and why you are doing it wrong)

"Inner freedom" (and why you'll never have any)

"Gratitude, love or compassion. Who'd win the race?"

"27 Different kinds of snow"

"I love you and it scares me."
(I know about 7 chicks that upon reading this will jump up and down and go (use silly female voice): "I just know it's about me.") (It's not.) (It's about me.)(Isn't it always?)

"Getting drunk on holy water" (And mooning my neighbour while I'm at it.)

I suck.

So to make it all up to you guys: