Monday, March 10, 2008

Why I'm not blogging

I've been blogging a lot lately. Just haven't published any of it. It's not that it's not good stuff. It's great stuff. But it's the kind of stuff that makes you look really serious, put a finger to your cheeck and say: "Mmmmm, he really has a point there.", or worse: "mmmmm, I know there's a lesson in here somewhere. If only I could figure out what the fuck he is going on about."

The problem is, I set out to write a nice post about not having chewed pussy this week and I end up with something called: "Context and it's impact on behavior."
Think that one is bad? Try this one:

"How to love and get away with it."

"Passion, the definition of joy"

(and why you are doing it wrong)

"Inner freedom" (and why you'll never have any)

"Gratitude, love or compassion. Who'd win the race?"

"27 Different kinds of snow"

"I love you and it scares me."
(I know about 7 chicks that upon reading this will jump up and down and go (use silly female voice): "I just know it's about me.") (It's not.) (It's about me.)(Isn't it always?)

"Getting drunk on holy water" (And mooning my neighbour while I'm at it.)

I suck.

So to make it all up to you guys:


At 3:14 PM, Blogger Sassy said...

Phone Sex Girl is going to be really disappointed. hurts to laugh, fucker!

At 3:41 PM, Blogger fineartist said...

To make it up to us you posted a pic of a hot woman?

What ARE you thinking?

You've obviously forgotten your audience bud. Now the getting drunk on Holy water intrigues me.

At 4:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about...
101 Ways to Make Sassy Think Europe has no electricity...
101 Ways to Confuse the Hell Out of Jess..
ok then

At 5:13 AM, Blogger Sassy said...

Heeeey! For the last time, I didn't keep up with other countries ok? Geeeez, Jess!

Besides..Bulb told me he lived in a hut!

At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did he ever get that hole fixed in the roof from the bombs?
BTW..My boobs are way bigger than that chicks..and mine are real..pfft..
But I'll give kudos on you using a dark haired girl.

At 3:16 PM, Blogger The artist formerly known as the Bulb. said...

Hell Jess, even my tits are bigger than hers (and real).

At 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well crap..why aren't you bloggin about them and posting pictures? Damn man..Get with the program here!

At 6:24 AM, Blogger Sassy said...

Jess, stop talking about your boobs!

Bulb was just saying the other day how you used to come into the room and talk about your boobs. Then he blogs and what do you about your boobs!


At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, he talks about his penis, I talk about my boobs...YOU talk about..n/m....

At 7:46 PM, Blogger Teacher Laila Chris said...

I don't get many things about you... I don't get the fact that you stopped visiting many blogspots, including mine.
Why mine?
Just because I have gotten over depression?
Your comments are still needed.
Take Care of yourself and of your audience as well (it did rhyme)


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