Star Trek Complex
So like the starship Enterprise was flying along and then this bigass cloud of toxic extrastellar crap from outer space suddenly pops out of nowhere and they fly right in it. So all the crewmembers they get covered in this really yuckey brown stinky stuff and walk around like zombies for a while. So one of them transforms in Captain Picards father and then the other one in his mother and they all start transforming into these guys that Picard knows. So Picard is going really crazy because now nobody is doing his job and they all give him a hard time. His father keeps grabbing the helm and his mother keeps telling him to do stuff. And everybody is screaming at everybody and they won't listen to him and he's really unhappy about it.So this whole episode he's running around talking to people from his past and working out issues he had with them. And he tries to work out the differences between them.
So in this one scene there's this klingon ship and his father grabs the helm and runs, and Picards doesn't realise that his father is doing that so he gets really pissed at him and they have to talk and Picard says that his father was always running. And in this other scene he's sitting at the helm and his mother is screaming at him that he's no good and you can see from his face that he's not happy about it and feels like shit but he doesn't know what to say to make her shut up.
So then he realises he will have to fly with this crew and he starts doig his captain shit and gets really really Picard-like. You know.... Picard... great captain.... empathic.... great leader... talks to his crew... values them as persons.... but never loses sight of his mission. So he does that and then everybody he talks to slowly turns back into himself as he talks with them.
The end.
This chick I work with asked me to explain what "complexes" are exactly. Which really sucked because now I had to actually take a couple of hours and think it over before replying. You can't just tell her:
"A complex is a group of partially or totally unconscious psychic content (representations, memories, fantasies, affects, and so on), which constitutes a more or less organized whole, such that the activation of one of its components leads to the activation of others."
That means absolutely nothing.